With the start of a new year, we’re introducing Tasker. Well, technically Tasker has always been here, but more on that later. So why this change? Who is Tasker? And what happened to ArtesFAST?
Anyone who has ever started a new business will know: coming up with a company name isn’t easy. You want it to mean something, be one-of-a-kind, easy to remember and say something about the business you’re in. With ArtesFAST we definitely have a name that’s unique, but not everyone will instantly understand what we’re doing.

So who is Tasker?
Tasker is the name we’ve always used for our matching platform. Considering that what we do is matching technical professionals with tasks in the high-tech industry, it’s a pretty good name.
If you’ve paid close attention lately, you may have seen Tasker before. When you signed up on our previous ArtesFAST website, you were asked to create a Tasker account.
It got confusing to use the two names side-by-side. And we realized that we prefer Tasker when it comes to everything that has to do with matching people with tasks.
So we changed our website (including the domain name), renamed our social media accounts (you can follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) and launched a Tasker app. It’s been a busy week.
What happens to ArtesFAST?
In the meantime, ArtesFAST isn’t going anywhere. It’s still the name of our company and we’re proud to be part of the ArtesFAST team. So once in a while, when we talk about important company updates or are looking for people to join the team, you’ll see us using ArtesFAST. Other than that, we’ll try not to confuse you too much.
So we hope you like the new and improved ‘us’. We’ll still be making some changes in the coming weeks and continue to share relevant content here on our blog. So stay tuned and if you don’t want to miss any of our updates, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter.