Design offshore structures for floating wind farm task for mechanical engineer

Design offshore structures

Create a design for the offshore structures that is resistant to the environmental forces.

  • Field
    Mechanical engineering
  • Location
  • Seniority level
    6-9 years
  • Task budget
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Task description

For the creation and installment of an offshore floating wind farm and related deep-sea cabling and packaging, a company specialized in deep-sea infrastructure is looking for a mechanical engineer that can design the offshore structures.

The engineer needs to have expertise in time domain simulation tools, diffraction analysis, programming skills in Python, use of Matlab, experience in pipelay and mooring and floating installations.


Analyze the contract documentation and environmental characteristics at the installation site to perform various simulations and analysis of wind, water current etc.

Based on the result, create a design that is resistant to the environmental forces and compliant with the contract document.

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Skills, Knowledge and Expertise

Heavy engineering
Offshore platform design

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