Design in-line multi-product packaging robot task for mechanical engineer

Design a multi-product packaging robot

Design and develop a packaging machine for a high-mix high-volume line.

  • Field
    Mechanical engineering
  • Location
  • Seniority level
    9-12 years
  • Task budget
  • Website
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Task description

A logistics company with a highly diverse product portfolio wants to globally expand its customer base by offering affordable automated packaging solutions to smaller e-commerce companies. For this they would like to develop a packaging machine for a high-mix high-volume line.

The machine needs to monitor various machine parameters and warn the central maintenance planning function to plan line maintenance and servicing.


Develop the specifications in collaboration with the development and marketing managers. Design the architecture of the machine, maximizing the use of existing (within the company and in the market) components and modules. Design, develop and test the machine. Integrate with related sensors and software to create a working system.

For this project you’ll be putting a 6-8 team together.


The deliverables are the final specifications (customer spec, system spec, module specs, related drawings of custom design parts), assembly instructions, source code of software and test and release documentation including approbation approvals.

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Skills, Knowledge and Expertise

Industrial equipment
Mechanical Engineering
Process automation

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