Create technical documentation new equipment task for mechanical engineer

Create technical documentation

Write a clear instruction for manual operations and calibration of a new machine (sensor, actuators, etc).

  • Field
    Mechanical engineering
  • Location
  • Seniority level
    6-9 years
  • Task budget
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Task description

For the technical documentation of new equipment, a company specialized in high-tech equipment for food handling and packaging, is looking for a qualified technical writer with working knowledge of SolidWorks.

The chapter that needs to be written is part of the documentation for the manual operations and calibration of the machine.


Create a clear instruction for manual operations and calibration of the machine (sensor, actuators, etc). Work with the equipment engineers and designers of the customer to understand the functionality and use SolidWorks to extract relevant parts from the equipment drawings. Qualify the documentation with the engineers to ensure that users without specific training can follow the instructions.

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Skills, Knowledge and Expertise

Industrial automation
Mechanical Engineering
Process Engineering

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