Design ceramic heavy load bearing application for cleanroom environment

Design ceramic bearing application

Design a heavy load bearing (static load of 60 Tons) compatible for working in a static and dust free environment.

  • Field
    Mechanical engineering
  • Location
  • Seniority level
    6-9 Yrs
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Task description

A company specialized in high-tech equipment for semiconductor manufacturing in cleanroom environments wants to design a carriage for storing and transporting heavy load in a stable, vibration free manner.

For this, we’re looking for a mechanical engineer to design a heavy load bearing (static load of 60 Tons) compatible for working in a static and dust free environment.

Expertise in Fusion 360, CFD, Tribology and thermal management tools is needed to deliver the taks successfully.


Create the design of a ceramic bearing that is capable of supporting heavy loads

  • low / no vibration
  • static free
  • low wear and tear
  • no dust creation


The deliverable is the design (2D &3D drawings with Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing), followed by a successful review by peers at the customer and evidence/ results of CFD simulations and inferences.

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Skills, Knowledge and Expertise

Equipment engineering 360
Equipment industry
Fusion 360
Mechanical Engineering

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