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Hiring tech talent getting things done. The lifecycle of an engineering task

The gap between hiring tech talent and getting things done

As an engineering or R&D manager you're facing issues in resourcing (finding the right talent to work on a task) all the…

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Managing Engineers. Manager with his Engineering Team

12 Helpful tips for managing engineers (also when you aren’t one)

Congratulations, you’re now the manager of an engineer! Or maybe even a team of engineers. Every management role comes with…

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How to Attract Tech Talent - What Engineers Want in a Job

How to attract and retain the best tech talent? (It’s not about the money)

If even the big tech corporates are fighting to hire the best tech talent with attractive salaries and interesting perks,…

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How to motivate employees working from home

How to motivate employees working from home

When your company transitions to working remotely – whether it’s a deliberate choice or forced by a pandemic – it’s…

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